A. Background
Global issues are much discussed this years about climate change. Climate change is the impact of human activities, particularly in fossil fuel use primarily in the energy industry and transport sectors, as well as land-use change related to forests, agriculture, and livestock (Irwani and Susandi, 2004). Human activity is directly or indirectly cause changes in the natural composition of the Earth's atmosphere so that the temperature got hotter at a rate equal to the rate of change of concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) (Waryono, 2002). These changes lead to impacts of climate change such as rising temperatures, drought, forest fires and land fires, and so forth. To reduce the impact of climate change, there should be efforts to address early on the environment such as the use of environmentally friendly energy.
Energy has an important role in people's lives because energy is an important parameter for development and economic growth (Nuryanti, 2007). Almost of all life sectors can not be separated from the energy sector. So far, the community is dependent on fossil fuels. Only coal reserves are still quite a lot, while oil and gas are running low. Therefore, the required source energy that has been provided by nature such as energy derived from sunlight, wind, biomass, water and etc.
The use of other types of energy sources by the community can be seen from energy consumption. Energy consumption can be realized through the establishment of community-based energy independence. The results from the formation of energy independence is to know the amount of energy use in a community. Also, it can also note the types of energy used by the public, the potential energy of a region, it can be seen even in the energy vulnerability of an area.
Communities who live around the river Area (DAS) is one of the communities that use energy sources. DAS has the biophysical conditions (forest potential, the potential of the river, soil conditions, etc.) very strategic location of the development of energy sources used by the public. One of area which has the potential of the watershed is Jeneberang DAS (DAS Sub Sub Malino and DAS Lengkese). One way to detect the state is doing the mapping in the Malino Sub Watershed and lengkese Sub Watershed region.
B. Climate Change
Climate change is the change in temperature, barometric pressure, wind, rainfall, and humidity as a result of global warming. This Global warming is causing rising temperatures average temperature of the earth as a result of the accumulation of heat in the atmosphere caused by the Greenhouse Effect (GHG) (Sofrizal, 2009).
The phenomenon of climate change has seemed no longer disputed. Various scientific studies illustrate that carbon dioxide (CO 2) in the atmosphere which is a consequence of the results from the combustion of coal, timber, oil and gas, has increased nearly approaching 20% since the start of the industrial revolution. Industrial area that was built almost across the continent of the world has resulted in waste "Greenhouse Gases" (GHGs), such as carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane (CH 4), and nitrousoksida (N 2 O), which may cause the "blanket effect ". Effect is then mangakibatkan rising temperature of the Earth (Faiz, 2009).
C. Energy
1. Definition of Energy
Energy sources available in nature is basically composed of non-renewable energy sources (non-renewable source) and renewable sources (renewable source). Consists of non-renewable energy to fossil fuels, nuclear fuels in the form of uranium-235, and coal bed methane (CBM), which is methane gas in coal seams that are far in the ground. Energy-producing minerals such as oil, coal and natural gas are called fossil fuels because the material is formed over millions of years from the remains of animals and plants. While renewable energy consists of water, geothermal, biomass, solar and wind energy. Renewable energy sources do not (non renewable) is defined as the energy source that can not be filled or re-created by nature in, a short time, rather than a continuous process (Akhadi, 2009).
Alternative energy that can be used to replace the energy that relies on fossil fuels, among others, is the energy of water (hydro power energy), tidal energy (tidal energy), ocean wave energy (wave energy power), ocean thermal energy (ocean thermal energy convertion , OTEC), wind energy (wind energy), geothermal energy (geothermal energy), solar thermal energy (solar energy cell) and nuclear energy (nuclear energy). The use of alternative energy is dependent on local conditions and readiness goegrafis accept alternative energy technologies (Ward, 2010).
2. Energy Security
World Economic Forum (2006), explain that energy security is the ability of economies to ensure the supply of energy resources in a sustainable and timely with energy prices at levels that would not affect the performance of the economy, thus there are several factors that will mempengeruhi energy security, such as:
- Availability of fuel reserves both domestically and for export purposes,
- Ability economy in explore supply / energy source to meet demand,
- Level of economic diversification of reenergy sources,
- Accessibility energy resources, in it is associated with availability
energy infrastructure and transportation, and - Stability and security geopolitics approximately energy resources.
Based on definition above, there 3 element basic endurance energy, among others:
- Physical: the availability of and accessibility supply energy sources,
- Economics: affordability resources and development energy infrastructure, and
- Environment: sustainable development and use reenergy sources that satisfy current needs this without sacrifice ability future generations to meet needs their own.
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